HEATEC《上海国际供热技术展览会》作为亚洲地区公认极具影响力及专业性的一站式供热技术展览平台,多年来为开创供热行业安全、环保、高效、协同发展的新时代作出贡献。展望未来,HEATEC将继续秉持专业的态度,紧贴市场风向,在“十四五”规划的开局之年,为工商业界用户带来一场国际化、多元化的供热盛宴,引领行业发展,共绘未来蓝图。 与此同时,HEATEC 2021将与雅式集团旗下的两场大型专业展同期同地举办,“供热锅炉”、“食品包装”、“纺织印染”强强联手,相辅相成,届时必将带动大批高质量的工商业终端买家用户莅临现场交流采购。
各类锅炉Various Kinds of Boilers 燃油燃气工业锅炉Oil-fired (Gas-fired) Industrial Boilers | 蒸汽锅炉steam boiler | 热水锅炉hot water boiler | 有机热载体锅炉organic heat transfer material boiler |燃油燃气商用锅炉Oil-fired (Gas-fired) Commercial Boilers | 冷凝式锅炉condensing boiler | 燃气供暖锅炉gas-fired heating boiler | 热水机组 hot water unit | 真空锅炉vacuum boiler | 贯流锅炉tabular boiler | 铸铁锅炉、铸铝锅炉cast iron boiler, cast aluminum boiler | 中央热水机组 central hot water unit | 生物质锅炉 Biomass Boilers 电锅炉 Electric Boilers | 电阻式电热锅炉 resistance type electric heating boiler | 电极式电热锅炉 electrode type electric heating boiler | 电磁感应加热锅炉 electromagnetic induction heating boiler | 余热锅炉技术和产品Waste Heat Recovery Boiler Technology and Products 垃圾、污泥焚烧处理技术及系统设备Solid Wastes, Incineration Technology and Systemic Equipment 废气利用设备Exhaust Gas Utilization Equipment 燃煤锅炉Coal-fired Boilers | 工业煤粉锅炉industrial pulverized coal boiler | 循环流化床锅炉等circulating fluidized bed boiler |
燃烧器、热工设备与技术Burners and Thermal Equipment & Technology 锅炉燃烧器Boiler Burners 燃烧器配件Burner Spare Parts| 油泵oil pumps | 烧嘴nozzles | 压力开关 pressure switches | 工业燃烧器 Industrial Burners 工业加热炉 Industrial Heating Furnaces 干燥及烘干设备 Drying Equipment 热风炉Hot-blast Stove 工业热风机 (加热器) Industrial Hot Air Blowers(Heater) 油田加热炉 Oilfield Heating Furnaces 蓄热器、热交换设备 Heat Accumulators, Heat-exchangers 电加热元件 Electric Heating Element 电热管Electric Heat Pipe 电磁感应加热元件Electromagnetic Induction Heating Element 锅炉炉排Stoker Grates
锅炉替代产品及其它热能设备 Boiler Replacement Products and Other Heating Equipment 工业和家用冷热电联供技术与产品Industrial and Home Use Combined Cooling Heating and Power (CCHP) Technology and Products 蒸汽发生器Steam Generator 油加热器Oil heater / 电加热导热油炉 Electric oil heating furnace 燃气模温机 Mold Temperature Controller / 电加热模温机 Electric Heating Mold Temperature Machine / 电磁加热模温机 Electromagnetic Heating Mold Temperature Machine 模块蒸汽机 Modular Steam Engine / 蒸汽热源机 Steam Heat Generator 热泵 Heat Pumps | 工业余热industrial waste heat | 空气源air source | 水源water source | 地源ground source | 太阳能供热设备Solar Energy Heating Equipment
锅炉零部件及配套产品Boiler Parts and Ancillary Products 泵 Pumps 阀门Valves 风机Fans 自动控制装置Automation Controlling Equipment 仪器仪表 Instrumentation | 温度/压力/流量计量、控制、调节temperature/pressure/flow measure, control and adjustment | 安全装置Safety Devices 报警装置Alarm Devices 散热管Heat Pipes 翅片管Finned Tubes 垫片Gaskets 密封件Seals 清洗设备Cleaning Equipment 锅炉、热能系统控制软件Boiler, Thermal System Control Software 系统能源统计分析咨询诊断软件System Energy Statistical Analysis Consultation Diagnosis Software
锅炉制造装备及原材料Boiler Manufacturing Equipment and Raw Materials 材料处理与下料设备Material Handling and Blanking Equipment | 钢材预处理设备steel pretreatment equipment(喷砂装置sandblasting device)| 数控下料设备(火焰、等离子、激光、水力)CNC blanking equipment (flame, plasma, laser, hydraulic) | 机械下料设备(带锯、圆锯、剪板机)mechanical blanking equipment (band saw, circular saw, shearing machine) | 倒角机chamfering machine | 刨边机 edge planing machine | 金属成型设备Metal Forming Equipment | 卷板机coiling machine | 管端成型机pipe end molding machine | 数控弯管机CNC bending machine | 折弯机 bending machine | 折边机edge folding machine | 炉胆成形设备furnace liner forming equipment | 胀接设备expansion and connection equipment | 焊接设备 Welding Equipment | 各类焊机welding machines | 纵环锋焊接装置longitudinal ring front welding device | 膜式壁、蛇形管、翅片管等专用焊接装置special-purpose welding device for membrane wall, serpentine tube and finned tube | 焊接变位机welding positioner | 电动滚轮架electric roller | 加工设备Processing Equipment | 车削turning | 刨削planing | 钻孔drilling | 铣削milling | 镗削 boring | 无损检测技术与设备NDT Technology and Equipment 检验试验仪器仪表及设备 Inspection & Examination Instrumentation and Equipment | 材料理化检验设备 materials physicochemical property inspection and testing equipment | 热工环保性能检验检测仪器仪表 thermal environmental performance inspection & examination instruments | 原辅材料Raw and Auxiliary Materials | 板材 steel plate | 型钢section steel | 管材pipes | 各类焊材 all kinds of welding materials |
节能减排技术和产品Energy-saving & Emission Reduction Technology and Products 节能器、省煤器Energy Saver, Coal Economizer 锅炉水处理技术和设备 Boiler Water Treatment Technology and Equipment 冷凝水回收技术与系统设备Condensing Water Recovery System Technology and Equipment 烟气净化设备Flue Gas Purification Equipment: | 除尘器dust remover | 脱硫脱硝技术和设备desulphurization and denitrification technology and equipment |
生物质能产品与技术Biomass Energy Products and Technology 生物质固体颗粒燃料制备设备 Solid Biomass Pellet Fuel Preparation Equipment 生物燃气制备系统和设备Bio-Gas Fuel Preparation Systems and Equipment 生物质锅炉燃烧设备 Burning Equipment for Biomass Boilers 生物质干燥及烘干设备Biomass Drying Equipment
联系方式: 雅展展览服务(上海)有限公司 电话: 86-21-51879766 传真: 86-21-64693665 电邮: heatec@adsale.com.hk 上海工业锅炉研究所有限公司 电话: 86-21-34781959*331 / 332 传真: 86-21-54395873 电邮: glxh09@163.com